Tools to inform collaborators about multimedia contents.

gestione immagini con il Digital Asset Managment

In the Corporate sector you can make an important use of images for your communication.

Whether it is photos of institutional or internal events, portraits of managers, multimedia production requested by sponsors, product images or images from the historical archive, the contents are often so many that not even the marketers themselves know what is available and where.

How is it possible to promptly inform employees about the digital resources available?

One solution is offered by the MomaPIX DAM software, which includes email marketing tools to send links to the most updated multimedia content, directly from the online archive.

Send photos and videos with Digital Asset Management

Digital Asset Management allows you to have a centralized repository to manage the constant flow of multimedia content. The online archive contains all approved photos and videos, which can potentially be used in communication activities.

Therefore it is advisable that those involved, for example, in external relations or marketing, are aware of the material available.

The standard way for those with a DAM is to access the platform and independently search for what they need. But there is also another way, through which the DAM software proves to be an effective tool for internal communication: that of creating newsletters starting from the contents in the archive. Colleagues informed directly via email, without even having to do a search, will certainly be grateful!

Let’s take the example of a multinational that manages photos and videos of institutional events with the DAM. In many cases, the company representatives who have approved the content uploaded to the private section by the photographers will not coincide with those who will have to deal with the drafting of press releases and the choice of images to share with the media. If the teams involved in the press office activities should receive an email with a selection of photos to be published, the work can proceed more quickly.

Tools for sharing digital assets with DAM software

The boost for more engaging internal communication given by the DAM MomaPIX software does not stop with the sending of informative newsletters containing photos and videos.

The proposed email marketing tools are also very suitable for other uses, including:

  • present multimedia content in an engaging way
  • deliver links for downloading files

In the first case, it is the possibility of creating a full-screen slideshow with a slideshow of images and videos with one click. In the second case, in addition to viewing the contents of the newsletter in this mode, a button is added to download them. In practice, a sort of WeTransfer is available directly within the DAM platform, which can be customized with different options:

  • download in high or low resolution
  • expiration date to download files
  • link with unlock code for download or free, or available only to users who have access to the online archive
  • maximum number of downloads allowed

Per tutti i link che vengono generati, è disponibile il tracking degli utenti che hanno scaricato i contenuti.

Contact us now to learn more about how to share content inside and outside the company, for more efficient communication.


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