How to use digital assets effectively in marketing and communication campaigns

digital asset per il marketing

In the world of marketing and communication, digital assets have become an essential element for advertising campaigns, branding strategies and content creation.

As we have seen in a previous article of our blog, one of the trends of recent years in terms of digital strategy is the evolution of companies to media companies, which allows reaching the public in a more targeted way and at a lower cost. However, using digital assets effectively isn’t always easy.

In this article, we will explore some tips and strategies to make the most of digital content in marketing and communication campaigns.

3 steps to start making the most of the digital asset

In order to get the maximum economic return from the digital asset, it is necessary to start an adequate digital strategy.

The first rule of using digital assets effectively is knowing your audience. Identifying the target audience, its interests, its consumption habits and its needs is essential in order to be able to create relevant and relevant content for the target audience.

Once the audience has been defined, it’s time to customize the contents proposed. You can use digital assets to create tailored content for different segments of your audience. For example, if you’re promoting a product, you could create different versions of a promotional video, each with a specific call-to-action for a different audience segment.

As a third step, plan the distribution of contents by exploiting multi-channels. Today marketing and communication campaigns take place on multiple channels: social media, email, websites, apps, etc. Use your digital assets in a cohesive and coordinated way across all your chosen channels. You can create templates for different platforms and adapt your content to the specific formats of each channel.

The ideas for leveraging digital assets have been jotted down and the strategy is starting to take shape. How to enhance the digital strategy?

A good practice, when the images, videos, audios and texts are numerous and complex, for which a cloud storage service is not enough, is to adopt a digital asset management system. A well-organized digital library will help you quickly find the assets you need for your marketing and communication campaigns. This way, you will be able to easily find your content, edit it or use it in different campaigns.

Related to this aspect is the use of metadata. Metadata is additional information associated with digital assets, such as title, description, keywords, and other pertinent information. Organizing a multimedia archive with a DAM software assumes compiling the metadata effectively, helping to organize and manage your digital assets efficiently.

It will also improve the visibility of your content on search engines and social media.

Finally, it is important to measure the effectiveness of your digital assets to evaluate how your marketing and communication campaigns are going. Using analysis tools to monitor traffic on your channels and user behaviors, together with digital asset management reporting, you will be able to understand which digital assets work best and optimize your campaigns.


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