The PentaPhoto Photographic Agency relies on MomaPIX for the Management of its Photographic Archive
Identikit del cliente PentaPhoto is a prominent photographic agency known for its specialization in sports photography and visual storytelling. With a long and prestigious history in documenting internationally significant sports events, PentaPhoto has amassed an impressive archive of images capturing iconic moments in sports. The agency serves a […]
Grosby Group uses MomaPIX to archive its corporate materials
Customer Profile For 20 years, Grosby Group has been an exclusive agency for entertainment content in Latin America and the US Hispanic market. The company manages a vast network of content providers, including photographers, videomakers, and creatives, with whom it collaborates to acquire the necessary materials. Thanks to this vast and continuously expanding representation, Grosby […]
Ipa Agency uses MomaPIX for managing multimedia content workflows
Customer Profile IPA agency was founded in 2014 through the will and experience of professionals who have always worked in the photography and publishing sector. Today, IPA is the most important private photography agency in Italy, specializing in the supply of images for editorial and creative uses, with over 100,000 images published every year by […]
Legion-Media Picture Agency has changed its digital asset management software
Customer Profile Legion-Media photographic agency chose MomaPIX DAM as its digital asset management software to enhance its business related to an archive of about 30 million images. Founded in 2009, it is currently the leading agency in Russia engaged in licensing rights for various types of content: images, video footage, and high-quality audio tracks on […]