ACEA and the digital transformation with MomaPIX DAM

Digital Asset Management ACEA

Customer Profile

ACEA, one of the leading Italian companies in the public utility sector, has implemented an innovative project for managing its digital resources.

With a wide range of activities spanning from water distribution to energy production, ACEA needed a solution to effectively organize, store, and distribute its vast archive of digital content.

Customer Request

Efficient management of digital resources represented a significant challenge for ACEA, given the diversity and volume of content to be managed.

The company was looking for a system that could not only simplify the storage and access to digital resources but also facilitate the sharing of content with partners and stakeholders, in line with its communication and marketing strategy.

DAM Solution

The response to ACEA’s needs was found in MomaPIX DAM technology, which offered a robust and flexible platform for managing digital resources:

  • Centralization of Digital Resources: MomaPIX DAM allowed ACEA to centralize the storage of its digital resources, creating a single access point for images, documents, and videos related to its activities.
  • Workflow Optimization: The platform simplified daily operations, allowing ACEA’s team to efficiently upload, catalog, and edit digital resources, improving productivity and reducing management time.
  • Facilitation of Sharing and Distribution: Thanks to MomaPIX, ACEA was able to implement advanced tools for content sharing, enabling targeted and secure distribution of digital resources to internal and external stakeholders.
  • Support for Communication Strategy: The DAM platform supported ACEA’s communication strategy by enabling a consistent and professional presentation of corporate content.
  • Accessibility and Scalability: The website offers easy access to ACEA’s digital archive, ensuring scalability and flexibility to meet the company’s future storage and distribution needs.


The adoption of MomaPIX DAM marked a turning point in ACEA’s digital resource management, transforming challenges related to storage, management, and distribution of content into opportunities to improve operational efficiency and strengthen corporate communication. This advanced technological solution not only optimized internal processes but also expanded ACEA’s capabilities to share its digital heritage, supporting its vision of innovation and leadership in the public utility sector.


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